Tuesday, March 6, 2012

C is for Clubble

So my last post was a wee bit of a lie. Well, not an intentional lie...but I was wrong. We were not able to meet that week due to lack of leaders, however we were able to meet last week (LeAp DaY!!) and it was ____________ (fill in the blank about everything positive and uplifting and awesome and and and and simply indescribable!). Maybe I am crazy but I was stoked to be experiencing wyldlife/younglife from the other end. It was especially awesome for me to see how God has been working in the other wyldlife leaders lives through their younglife experiences. Most kids that go to younglife are have not grown up in the church their whole life, so its really cool for me to see how God has totally transformed these high school kids' lives.

CLUB was fantastic! We had club in a bubble or if you're cool you call it Clubble. Unfortunately, I did not take any pictures to show you how incredibly epic this bubble was...but just imagine a bubble long enough and tall enough for more than fifty people giving piggybacks (or making human ladders..) to another fifty people. That's basically what it looked like. Hopefully I'll have a picture of our Clubble soon :D 

Anyway, club was ridiculous and crazy (when is it not?!?) even with only forty kids. I guess forty junior highers is basically equivalent to a eighty high schoolers..hah. During club we played some bubble wrap popping games; sling-shot some water balloons at Phil; smashed milk, eggs, melons, and yogurt; raffled off more bubbles; and tried to have five minutes of quiet without cellphones so Felipe could tell a story about Jesus. Each of these has a story within itself, but that would take forever to type all of it out. SO if you would like to hear more, you can ask me and I will tell you! At the end of club I was asked to take some kids home. This was a great opportunity for me to get to know some of the kids a little better..and get lost on the Eastside at night (I went back the next day to learn the streets a little better for next time, but I will probably still get lost next club.). My first club was ridiculous and honestly indescribable, but I have a few prayer requests. Please pray that kids can go to camp!, that the leaders lives' can continue to be transformed, and that I can be an excellent example as leader to the jr. highers and a friend to the other leaders.

P.S. While I was writing this, I found a picture of our Clubble (I am really good at multitasking;), from start to finish.
photo courtesy of Felipe