Tuesday, December 11, 2012

New Blog website!

I have decided to switch to Wordpress! Of course, you should continue to read my blog, if you want :D

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Things on my mind and Romans 12:2

I have a lot of things on my mind. Always. There is always something that is distracting me from something else. Right now, these distractions, these thoughts and ideas and notions are not a bad thing. Ha and now I don't even know where to start. Within the past several weeks God has planted so many great ideas and concerns into my tiny brain and I do not know how to process them. My classes at SPU have totally opened my eyes to realize how I am living my life now and how I need to start living according to God's commands. I think the main reason why my head is exploding is because I am so excited to get involved with God's plan--in my city, in Santa Barbara, in the United States, in every country all over the world. The best part is that I can start NOW. Let me tell you about some of the crazy ideas inside my head.

My USEM (freshman seminar class) class is focused on the environment and how God commands us to keep and sustain creation (because he also keeps and sustains us). As simple as that sounds, let me tell you, there are so many different parts involved with the care of creation. This is such a complex topic and it has been difficult for me to fully commit to all of what God is asking of me and the entire human population. BUT I do understand that God created the earth and when I disrespect His creation I am disrespecting Him, the creator. There are several ways in which I (and you also!) can keep and sustain creation. First, walk to places that are close by and take the bus to places that are far away.   This is a bit easier for me since I do not have a car at school and most of close friends do not either. Also rain is so not a big deal in Seattle. ITS OKAY TO WALK IN THE RAIN AND GET WET. What's a little water gunna do? Also, side note it does not rain everyday 24/7 in Seattle. Outsiders really do not understand this (don't worry I was once one too). God created rain. Why not enjoy that too? :)

Second, check the origin/background of the products you are buying. Was it produced locally? Was it produced through slave labor? How were the animals treated?  Etc. etc. etc. These are very good questions to consider when shopping for food and everyday essentials. I have definitely become more aware of what I am eating and who I am supporting when I buy certain things, like coffee. Local coffee shops are less likely to support slave labor and are more likely to support fair trade. Unfortunately, I cannot know where all of the food I am eating in Gwinn originated and I do not have enough money to daily shop locally and pay for college. I am working on this one.

Third, recycle and reuse. Invest in a reusable water bottle. Store your shoes in banana boxes in your dorm room;). Recycle the clothes you wear (and don't care about others' thoughts on how you dress--in or out of style according to them!). Give your old clothes to thrift stores and shop for "new" clothes at thrift stores. This is HUGE (as in SO important) to me. I love the thrift store--shopping and donating! And I love the idea of the thrift store. I am the type of person who will use/wear something until it is so completely mangled that it literally has to be thrown away. I do not waste anything. If I no longer want or need something I give it to the thrift store knowing that someone needs this more than I. I have always been money conscious, but my thrift store addiction has taken to me new levels of frugality (check out that word). I can no longer shop in regular clothing stores without feeling like I am spending way too much money. Honestly, its gotten to the point where shopping in stores like Old Navy and Forever 21--where they sell their clothes for cheap--is overwhelming and almost frustrating because I feel like I cannot buy anything because I will be spending too much. For a long time I struggled with this frugality and frustration. I wanted to find a good reason to completely commit to only shopping at the thrift store. And now that I finally have a good reason I am too scared to commit. Commitment is so difficult for me. My roommate and I rearranged the furniture in our dorm after only living in our room for almost two months. I like change. In some ways and at certain times change is actually good for me. But seriously. I am really good at saying "I love Jesus," but not always so good at living out a faith that speaks for itself. If I commit to only shopping at the thrift store, won't I sometimes want to shop at Target or Nordstrom? Yeah, of course. God says we are going to be tempted, but that we should holdfast because HE who is greater than our temptations is going to give us a way out. God provides.

SO, I have decided to make a HUGE commitment. A commitment that I do not want to go in the mindset of thinking that this is only temporary and that I can go back to shopping at regular stores if needed. No, do not let me fall back into that. Hold me accountable. From this point forward, I am committing to buying all of my clothes (minus underwear for hygienic purposes) at thrift stores, buffalo exchanges, and the like. That being said, I will still wear clothing bought by other people from normal stores. Parents and family and anyone who strongly desires to buy me clothing: Please do not feel obligated to buy clothes for me from thrift stores because I know it takes MEGA patience to actually find exactly what you are looking for. I will still love you and still wear the things you give to me. However, I will also love you if you choose to support me and buy me clothes from the thrift store.
If you have any questions or concerns or ideas, please share!

Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is--his good, pleasing, and perfect will. Romans 12:2

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Psalm 139

Psalm 139

You have searched me, Lord,
    and you know me.
You know when I sit and when I rise;
    you perceive my thoughts from afar.
You discern my going out and my lying down;
    you are familiar with all my ways.
Before a word is on my tongue
    you, Lord, know it completely.
You hem me in behind and before,
    and you lay your hand upon me.
Such knowledge is too wonderful for me,
    too lofty for me to attain.
Where can I go from your Spirit?
    Where can I flee from your presence?
If I go up to the heavens, you are there;
    if I make my bed in the depths, you are there.
If I rise on the wings of the dawn,
    if I settle on the far side of the sea,
10 even there your hand will guide me,
    your right hand will hold me fast.
11 If I say, “Surely the darkness will hide me
    and the light become night around me,”
12 even the darkness will not be dark to you;
    the night will shine like the day,
    for darkness is as light to you.
13 For you created my inmost being;
    you knit me together in my mother’s womb.
14 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
    your works are wonderful,
    I know that full well.

15 My frame was not hidden from you
    when I was made in the secret place,
    when I was woven together in the depths of the earth.
16 Your eyes saw my unformed body;
    all the days ordained for me were written in your book
    before one of them came to be.
17 How precious to me are your thoughts, God!
    How vast is the sum of them!
18 Were I to count them,
    they would outnumber the grains of sand
    when I awake, I am still with you.
19 If only you, God, would slay the wicked!
    Away from me, you who are bloodthirsty!
20 They speak of you with evil intent;
    your adversaries misuse your name.
21 Do I not hate those who hate you, Lord,
    and abhor those who are in rebellion against you?
22 I have nothing but hatred for them;
    I count them my enemies.
23 Search me, God, and know my heart;
    test me and know my anxious thoughts.
24 See if there is any offensive way in me,
    and lead me in the way everlasting.

This Psalm has been on my heart for awhile now, especially the verses "you know me" and "you created my inmost being." Those two have been stuck in my head like lyrics to a song. In my head however, I combined them: "You know my inmost being."

In an unfamiliar place, it is so easy for me to pretend to be someone I am not so I can feel a sense of belonging and acceptance. But God has been reminding me over and over again, "I know you, Elise. I made you. You are fearfully and wonderfully made. Don't forget that. Don't forget that I love you and that I created you for a greater purpose than conformity of this world. I know your inmost being." God doesn't want a new version of me. He doesn't want me to lose sight of Him and who He created me to be. He loves me the way I am cause he created me!

He knows my inmost being...and He still loves me. 

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

This is Home

First off I would like to apologize for not writing in six months! That is such a long time and I do sincerely apologize. My brain has been buzzing with fantastical things to share and yet I still have to search for the right words to say. All in due time, I suppose. Secondly, I would like to make a confession. I am writing this instead of working on two reflections due Friday. I guess I love you all more than homework ;)

Since the day I left Santa Barbara and began settling into new life at Seattle Pacific University (SPU), many of you began asking me the infamous question "How is SPU?!" First to clear any confusion, I would like to say that this post was not made to discourage any future conversations centered around this question. In fact, I encourage you to continue to ask me this question throughout my college years. SO HOW IS SPU?!!?!?!?! In one word. Home. SPU is home.

If you had asked me my thoughts on college prior to my current experience, I would not have associated college with home. Home is Santa Barbara. Home is where the surf is, where the weather is almost always between 60 and 70 degrees, where Mexican food is authentic, and where basically everything is provided for me. Home is comfortable and familiar. If you had asked me I would not have said home is Seattle Pacific University.

I was, to be honest, not comfortable with moving to Seattle. I was not comfortable with moving to Seattle because I was too comfortable with staying in Santa Barbara. I was well grounded in my community, my family, and my church and leaving would be completely unbearable. I was afraid that I would not find an equivalent (or as close as can be equivalents) to the three most important things in my life. I definitely did not trust that the God of the universe, who blessed me with an indescribable family (I actually do not have words to describe how wonderful my family is), a loving community, and healthy church, was going to bless me in new and profound ways. I often forget that God has poured out, is pouring out, and will always pour out his great and many blessings.

Seattle, the city I hardly know is home. Seattle Pacific University, the school I have known for three weeks is home. This is home. From the moment I moved into my dorm, met my roommate, left my parents, and began engaging in SPU culture I knew I had made the right decision. Any doubts, fears, discontentment, and discouragement in the weeks prior to my big move, immediately dissipated and I was filled with comfort, contentment, excitement, and hope. It became so clear to me that God had always been with me. All He wanted was for me to trust Him.

So, How is SPU?!?! To actually answer the "how" part of the question, SPU is absolutely wonderful and I am so excited to be here and be a part of something so unfamiliar to me. I am excited to see where God leads me this year and in the years to come.

Much love to all of you.

Note: Just because I have found a new home does not mean that I have completely moved on from my first home. Santa Barbarians (and non-Santa Barbarians!!) please write, call, text, email, Facebook, skype, VISIT, etc. me. I MISS YOU ALL. And I wish you could all be here with me during this new chapter.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012


Many of you are already aware of this, but for those of you who are confused by the headline...

MY SISTER IS MOVING TO AFRICA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)  

My older sister, Kelly Ranck, just got a new job working with World Concern as the Communications Liaison in Kenya. She has to raise $60,000 before she can leave to start her new job in Africa. She knows more about it than I do (that's a good thing too:) so YOU should check out her blog if you have not already. I know she would also appreciate lots of prayers!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

C is for Clubble

So my last post was a wee bit of a lie. Well, not an intentional lie...but I was wrong. We were not able to meet that week due to lack of leaders, however we were able to meet last week (LeAp DaY!!) and it was ____________ (fill in the blank about everything positive and uplifting and awesome and and and and simply indescribable!). Maybe I am crazy but I was stoked to be experiencing wyldlife/younglife from the other end. It was especially awesome for me to see how God has been working in the other wyldlife leaders lives through their younglife experiences. Most kids that go to younglife are have not grown up in the church their whole life, so its really cool for me to see how God has totally transformed these high school kids' lives.

CLUB was fantastic! We had club in a bubble or if you're cool you call it Clubble. Unfortunately, I did not take any pictures to show you how incredibly epic this bubble was...but just imagine a bubble long enough and tall enough for more than fifty people giving piggybacks (or making human ladders..) to another fifty people. That's basically what it looked like. Hopefully I'll have a picture of our Clubble soon :D 

Anyway, club was ridiculous and crazy (when is it not?!?) even with only forty kids. I guess forty junior highers is basically equivalent to a eighty high schoolers..hah. During club we played some bubble wrap popping games; sling-shot some water balloons at Phil; smashed milk, eggs, melons, and yogurt; raffled off more bubbles; and tried to have five minutes of quiet without cellphones so Felipe could tell a story about Jesus. Each of these has a story within itself, but that would take forever to type all of it out. SO if you would like to hear more, you can ask me and I will tell you! At the end of club I was asked to take some kids home. This was a great opportunity for me to get to know some of the kids a little better..and get lost on the Eastside at night (I went back the next day to learn the streets a little better for next time, but I will probably still get lost next club.). My first club was ridiculous and honestly indescribable, but I have a few prayer requests. Please pray that kids can go to camp!, that the leaders lives' can continue to be transformed, and that I can be an excellent example as leader to the jr. highers and a friend to the other leaders.

P.S. While I was writing this, I found a picture of our Clubble (I am really good at multitasking;), from start to finish.
photo courtesy of Felipe

Tuesday, February 21, 2012


Wooo first Wyldlife club tomorrow!! SO EXCITED. Please pray for me because I am fighting a cold and I have barely enough energy to sit through class (I guess I don't have a ton of energy in class as it is, I'm barely surviving senioritis ;) and I will definitely need a lot A LOT of energy tomorrow night. I've heard the junior highers are stoked on life (aka crazy). So if you think of it, please pray for an abundance of energy :)

Also, thank you to everyone who has been reading and commenting on my blog. I appreciate you and your comments :D

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

hi I'm back and my life is CRAZY

HI I sincerely apologize for not blogging. I have been so busy...but even that is not an excuse since we are ALL busy ALL the time. So I guess that means I have no excuse. Welp. Anyway, I'm really stoked on life right now. I have a lot on my plate already and a lot to look forward too. This semester I have been engaged in some really tough classes. AP Government is tedious and has been self-depreciating of my knowledge of the United States government. BUT I am learning and that is a pretty good start, especially seeing as I will be able to vote this coming November (whoa...) and I should probably know something about politics;). As for my other classes I am taking AP English which has definitely been my favorite English class that I have ever had. For one thing it is by far the smallest class I've had in all of high school--seventeen people!!!!!!!--and for another my teacher is incredibly WEIRD. I think that's probably the best part of the class. He is very though provoking and blatant about everything. It's awesome and I'm glad to be in his class for a semester. Woooo...I think he has already influenced me too much haha. SO my last class is Journalism or King's Page, as the San Marcos students call it. I was originally in yearbook but I randomly decided I wanted to try something new. I have never taken Journalism and I think it will be a great skill for me to have later on in life. I LOVE TO WRITE (as you may or may not noticed from this blog). I have thoroughly enjoyed learning a new form of writing and I hope to write more than one article this semester (you may be thinking that is a pretty weak goal, but I say that because I have only written one article as of now:). If you have any article topic suggestions, please feel free to comment below :D I am very happy about my schedule..however my classes are not the real reason I am so stoked on this semester. Starting very soon I will be taking on the awesome role of being a leader for Wyldlife (Younglife for Jr. Highers). During a Wyldlife meeting all of us potenial Wyldlife leaders were given the option of serving at the La Colina Club or the club on the Eastside. Almost immediately I felt God pushing me to commit to the Eastside club; I felt like he was telling me to take a risk and try something new. Working with boys and girls club has been on my heart for awhile, but I never fed my desire. Fortunately, God was looking out for me; He has provided the opportunity to hang out and teach Jr. Highers about Jesus and I AM STOKED. Of course, I will keep you updated. I will. And if I do not, you have been given permission to ask me about it :D This post is becoming very long. So out of the goodness of my heart I will save the rest of the exciting ideas that I have in my head and down the road for another post :)..To be continued...

In case your brain has melted from so much reading, please ponder these photos from my life