Sunday, January 30, 2011

Dear Elise

At the end of 8th grade my english teacher had our class write a letter to ourselves about our goals and expectations for high school (that she would send to us sometime during our high school career). Mine was sent to me last year, but I just discovered it again the other day. As I was reading it I found every bit of it almost exactly relevant to my life.

Dear Elise,
I hope you enjoy high school and not dread the wait the entire summer (not sure what I was trying to say...?). I hope you do what you most want to do but also what's best and what's right. I hope you learn from whatever wrong turns you take and have the courage to do the right thing no matter what. I hope you won't be too stressed throughout the homework loads (APUSH hasn't killed me yet :)) or worry about what bad things could happen. Instead trust that everything will be alright. Finally have faith that God created this whole experience for a purpose. If life gets tough, know that God has a plan for you.
I expect you to keep up your good grades so that you may get into a great college. I expect you to follow your goals and dreams--no matter how impossible they might seem; always stick to it. I also expect you to have perseverance in every activity--whether it be soccer, homework, track, etc. 
I have no fears for you (very bold elise!.. haha), just be careful in your choices and pick the right crowd to hang out with. 

Elise Ranck

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